I waited alone in the storm of yester night, and in the rain,
Sitting in the isle, melting every moment,
With all my resources, I kept for you.
I will still wait, in this boiling heat, of the sun
In this evaporating isle of my life,
With my doleful sentiments,
Until you come and rescue me
From drowning in this quandary.
I perceive the countenance of passion.
It is smudged!
I hear the voice of the thirst for love.
It is grueling!
I see the corpse of dreams,
I visualize the hue of grief;
It is all swarthy, and hideous!
Who is standing there in that gloomy loneliness?
Holding a lamp, flickering in the wind,
Cautiously covering the flame without extinction,
Staring beyond the eyeshot into the muddy blue?
Your longings have become wingless butterflies;
A soggy cloud wiping away the rainbow
That you weaved and created in your mind….
I see the corpse of dreams,
his is a line i really "see" i am thinking i will add it to my list of lines i would like to expound upon sometime...
do you know that you have a pop up window from something called bravenet that makes an annoyance out of itself every time one seeks to make a comment on this blog??? is there any way you can get rid of it????
Paisley...Thank you for your valuable interest in my writing.
I am learning first time that there is a problem about pop.up from bravenet. I am sorry abt it.Eventhough I am no expert in the technicalities of the P>C> i will try to get it easier for anyone to make a comment.
Thank you for the kind thoughts and selection of that line. I am elated... kunjubi
Again, as Paisley commented, the same line stands out "corpses of dreams..." not least because I used
the very same wording in one of my poems (After the Dream) .. I enjoyed the dreaminess and the longing in your poems, and, thank you for visiting my page and your comments too. I shall read you again.
Good evening Kunjubi...
Very powerful poem..I was intrigued from the very first line, and you kept my attention throughout, really enjoyed it :-D
Wordcrafter....Thank you very much for the kind words. i am very much moved when you say u appreciate my writings. This is a kind of Stirr-up for me endeavour for more quality. Thanks
Stacey.. i am contented with your words. It gives a pleasent feeling in the guts, especially when it is from you.. Thanks love kunjubi
"Who is standing there in that gloomy loneliness?
Holding a lamp, flickering in the wind,
Cautiously covering the flame without extinction,
Staring beyond the eyeshot into the muddy blue?"
i dont know how to comment on these.....they touched the chord.
no words.
jyotsana.... i am enthralled by your words; to recieve a comment in the affirmative,from such a great acclaimed person in the blogosphere, is not a little thing. I am grateful. If you wud kindly go through some of my other poems and , instead of making a comment everywhere there , if u can just let me know how you evaluate it, I will be grateful. [it so happens sometime a reader identifies or rather personify someone in their memory, as present in the writing..It so happened when i read yr" Till death do us apart".. so moving and sad..it reminds or bring so many recollections of life..] thank you again and again for yr comment and for that post"Till death do.... cheers.. kunjubi Be in touch .
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