Wednesday, November 1, 2017



Death is not an event, which waits for
Anyone, to attain seventy, or eighty.
Along with the moment of the first cry
Announcing your arrival into this world
We kick start the indicator of time, to get moving.

We are an isle surrounded by death.
We can complete or fulfill naught.
Even our love life will not be complete.
The sword of Damocles is hanging above our head.
In death, do we enter a timeless, space less tunnel?

When thoughts, desires, consciousness freeze,
When thoughts become stills on the screen of the mind,
Time also vanish along with it,
The screen becomes a blank,
The projector of the mind stands still.
A spark emerges like a drop, into our being
Into our silence, into that eternity,
And we taste the sweetness of the spirit!
That is attainment, freedom from all bondage,
Liberty and divine love!


When and where do you find
Happiness in our small life?
When do you find agonizing grief?
When the illusion of dreams disseminate,
What is the significance and implication,
Of desires?
Where is frustration?
Where is ecstasy?

We learn to smile through weeping and crying!
We learn to walk by stumbling down many a times!
We become adept in forgetting, and ignoring.
Through lessons, in loving others.
And learn to betray and deceive also by
Defrauding our very own conscience, and values.

Where is truth?
Where is enlightenment?
Where is darkness?
Where is affection and sincerity?
How can we discern the light of the dawn or dusk,
When a curtain of smog, has befallen before us?

When we walk under the hot sunlight
We covet for a cool shade for refuge.
And while resting there, we forget the intensity
Of the heat, in the cruel rays of the summer sun.
We always forget ourselves in our shelter,
And inadvertently enter the sea of unhappiness
To drown in desperation, grief and woes…

Journey of life never stop until you totally not stopped. It is already decided by supreme power, how long you have to travel. Everyone don't have same ...