Saturday, July 12, 2008

My angel…

Tell me your tales, my sweetest bloom of love
Afloat in the lagoon of my lone heart.
Drops of sadness lurks in your lashes
Of half closed eyes as in an oyster...
Aren’t you the droplet of my dreams,
The gorgeous heroine of my still unpainted saga?
You came yesterday, as a devotee
To the hermitage of my love.

How many evening have liquefied
To brush your cheeks so pink.
Making it to blush and flush?
How much depth of bluishness from its heart,
The ocean has embellished in your eyes?
You have never known the passage of time
Of rains, of summer, of springs, and sunshine.
A fairy in sleep, underneath the canopy of Deodars
Of heaven, where the gods relax.
Whose golden chariot you are
Mounting in your thoughts?
Whose love you are seeking now, in your mind?
Your fragrance pervade around here
As the scent, of the flower in the breeze….

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