Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This night, these melodies, these festivities,
My angel!, will vanish into thin air..
The dreams we fondle today, will yield to harsh realities.
The mirth we hold on our lips, will fade to whimpers.

It is perfect while it lasts, ecstatic, sweet, and passionate.
Every moment a celebration!
Every night an odyssey, through the shores of
Lascivious pleasures and passions.
Every morning, filled with remembrances
Of plays, enacted in our bedchamber;
Of romantic ardours, sending shock waves
All through the senses, springing sensations;
Soul stirring, bewitching…

Here, in this night, when waves of every vital tissues
Are seeking its mate, for its unison,
This lake immersed in modesty, writes it stories
In poems, in the moonlight, with its toe nails.
Do we have any more secrets between us,
Left out to be narrated, of our amatory tales?

In here the fascinating flowers are blooming,
To weave a veil of moonlight to cover the nakedness
Of the virgin earth, in embrace with the nature,
Do we have any more emotions left out in us
To exchange, at this hour, before I leave you?

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