Saturday, May 24, 2008


I never knew, you will awake as a new interlude
Again, in my symphony.
You will blossom, as a strain
Of melody, in my heart.
You will fill my mind as
A cloying residue of my memory...
You will flutter and flurry,
As my precious possession in life…

I never knew, the glowing embers
Of my soul will ever extinguish
One day, with your presence;
You will fondle me with your
Chilling feather touch;
You will, with your assuages
Lull me into a slumber.
And become, my priceless treasure.

I never knew, you will emit your
Glow as the glimmer of the full moon,
And my passion will flower.
I and you will deliquesce as one...
You will become mine and mine alone!

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