Sunday, June 28, 2009


Life makes me bereaved and in despair,
Though the heart long to laugh out.
This life is a tragic play where
There is no choice for the role
We desire to play along, till the end.
Passions in the mind wake up and arise
Even when I try to curb them and
Lull them to sleep, and soothe;
Like startling at hearing the voice
Of the paramour, in expectation.
I tried to soften the quivers on my heart’s lyre,
The love song that incessantly overwhelm
In my muddled mind as a torrential flood.
How can I compress and constrict the sweet
Fragrance of the endless spring into
A small bud of a jasmine?
Let the stars laugh and wink their eyelids
Teasing the lotus for its penance for the sun.
The heartache and agony of mankind
And their endearing dreams are of
No value in his terrain, throughout life.

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