Sunday, August 29, 2010


Keep in your memory, keep
Each moonlit night we had together.
Remember how the breeze was fondling
Each leaves and flowers around us;
Like my love caressing you, each
Cell of your body, and soul.

Keep the memory of the rain that
Showered nectar in our minds,
And the night, when the moon
Peeped to see our amorous
Caresses, from behind the clouds,
The stars closing their timid eyes
In coy meekness, with a tremor,
And the mist covered us with its
Fragrant veil of a damask muslin.
The Night Queen opened its petals
To view the lovers lying entangled
In a fury, of ardent passions.

Keep that memory when our souls
Talked in mute pleasant silence;
When your thirsty lips were chasing mine,
Our cheeks rubbing in unison.
My hands holding you tight in my grasp,
When tears of delight welled up in your eyes.

Keep remembering all these, always;
And remember a petite soul will be
Here, waiting for you to come back
Till the end of time, all alone.

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