Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A cadence…

My beloved! The words uttered
By your lips are really sweet
And your love is much sweeter than that.
The cool wind is embracing me
Like your shadows that follow me.
Are you the shower of a rain that fills
The soul that chills the chillness of bliss?

It is midnight now and the nature
Has fallen into a stupor.
The moon has lowered its wick
Of its beaming light.
Let me delve into the depths of
Your loveliness and dissolve into it,
As a rhythm; as a cadence…

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The eternal spring...

The spring became my beloved for a moment
In my exquisite, and exciting dream.
It gifted me with a blossom of console,
As heaven descended beside me, in that night.
I forgot to reckon the petals of that flower,
While I drifted in the inebriety of its fragrance,
And could not imbibe the ecstasy of the nectar.

The heartbeats fainted in the grandeur of
The resplendency of its radiance.
I failed to adorn the pollen as a lip-glow
To the quivering coral of my lip;
And woke up, just before the picture was complete.
Could I ever get those blossoms with its playful
Petals in full bloom, and dancing in the breeze.
And she returns as the cute eternal spring in my life?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Everywhere a smile…

While tears rained over me
I held an umbrella
Of smiles over my head;
I dived and searched for
Pearls in a sea of anguish;
Just to see the gleeful
Smile of the world around me.

The sun strew the smile of the day
And the moon light is the smile of the night.
The golden waves that hug the shores
Is the simper of the ocean.
And the blossoms show the smile of the good earth;
The weeping clouds smile through the rainbows
Magnificent and flamboyant with its hues.

Grief made it out through poetry;
Silence shows it through sighs and sobs.
I built my play house on the bank of
A stream of tears and toil of forsaken love,
Then made a flute to play, with the bamboo
Of my broken heart in condescension,
To sing a rueful song of my love…