Thursday, January 31, 2008

Foot prints on the sand.....

Sitting on the window sill, I strained my ears
To hearken the voice of your treads.
I searched for your foot prints,
On the courtyard of my house, in the sand
The tinkle of your bangles rustling
Against your attire, was heard
Somewhere, through the air.
In my yearning to hear the soft music
Of your love, I heard the vailing of
A nightingale, singing to its mate.
I saw a shadow in the twilight
On the footpath, leading to my house.
Was that an apparition?

A thousand tidings, I wanted to tell you;
Soothing your love stricken heart;
Wiping, the crystal drops of tears in your eyes.
To enliven your insipid passions,
To take you away into the land of the rainbows,
Among, the wandering clouds, where the moon
Traverse leisurely among the stars.
There we will find our tenement
And live for ever and ever in our love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I searched for your foot prints,
On the courtyard of my house, in the sand.......
A thousand tidings, I wanted to tell you;
Soothing your love stricken heart...Among, the wandering clouds, where the moon
Traverse leisurely among the stars.
There we will find our tenement
And live for ever and ever in our love.
read this.....