Thursday, June 28, 2012



Some one attempting to play a sad note
On the earthen dulcimer of the mind;
A note and rhythm of tears, dripping from
The icicles of solidified grief;
With insipid energy, and whimpering spirit
Like an evening that is spent;
And bidding farewell with chaotic attrition
In the innards of synergic debacle.
Even the regaling moonlight and
Starry sky has become scorching
Summer that scald the prurient passions
Sheltering inside the soul, in a cloister.
The splendorous spring has dwindled into
A spasmodic, saddening winter.
And your sodden heart, a picture
With the ornate glass, broken in splinters.
You have become a singing bird
Wounded, and flying in the darkness.
On the streets of rainbows, awakens
The tumult and maelstrom of the sky.
On the unknown nameless road
Someone is wandering with agony,
Melancholy painted across the face.
Affliction gathering teardrops, overwhelming
In the heart, hiding among the eyelashes as
Condensed atonement , of tribulations.
Effigies of shadows like puppets
Are awaiting for something to happen..
Borrowed births recreated from previous births.
Ogling as the rain clouds with a throbbing heart alone
Amidst the whistle of cold wind
Attempting to sing a dirge in despair..
The treads diffusing into echoes
Linger in the cold air as they fade out…

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