Monday, March 19, 2012



A drop of nectar. the dewdrop

That seek the feathers of a glow worm…

Similtudes one after another throng the mind

Like breeze, for touching you with my fingers...

Like love locks rollicking in the soft breeze

In bashful ecstasy; your coquetry laughter peeling like

The chinkling of a hundred bells, mellifluously.

Peacocks in pavane on your cheeks of damask rose;

Even the crescent moon will bow its head in defeat

Before the super transcendent apparition.

While the candied dreams blooms in the doe eyes

And the earth and heaven swoons in that illusion.

When the softest draft embraces the vales,

And the ripples of the blue lagoon reflects the hues

Of the sky in the placid water, fronted with lotus leaves.

Then the blossoms of your angelic smiles accost me

And you arrive in the sandal showering night

On a palanquin with the cupid’s arrows in your quiver,

To shoot into my heart, always hitting the bull's eye.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Come out to the world, you won’t regret.

It is not dark yet and I will make you a different girl.

In there you have to face rebuffs and scorns;

And it reflects now in your nature.

To love and leave is not your hobby.

Like the tensed strings of a violin

You spend your days and nights

You have no recreations

A touch so light will quiver it and,

Discords erupt in hard feelings.

With that you break the hearts of

Those, who love you and cherish you,

Make me the happiest one in life

Sure, you can do that with strain.

I was in a rapture

As you said ‘no rupture between you and me’.

So lovely this morn, when I saw you sail past

Clad in that blue Sari with red lines.

Again I heard your pleasantry;

I know the concern in your breath,

Full of love you’re the one I love.

Can’t you break the clam

Which holds you away from me?

I can’t enter it; sealed and marooned

My soul flutters around it,

Awaiting and awaiting to glide

Away to the blue sky and ride

Among the silvery clouds,

And together we make our haven;

Though others may even scorn us.

Hurry up before the dream vanishes,

Before this moth scorches its wings.

Said you helped me to come out of my loneliness

Yet, when you left me, you pushed me into an abyss.

Said you’ll call me later, but you never did,

And I waited till dawn, and then you never knew.