Tuesday, March 30, 2010


You have taken my birth
And me yours...so the Providence decreed…

Infatuations filled our birth
with magnificent obsessions
And we imbibed the nectar of our love.
You were my daughter and my son.
My hands became a cradle for you
And I sang a lullaby in your slumber.

I will adorn your lips, and brows
And your cheeks and nape with
Very warm kisses, engrossed in my love.
I will watch your pranks and naughty smiles.
You, my beloved, sleep close to my bosom.

In this chamber, and along the walkway,
I will hold your soft fingers in my hand,
And follow you like a shadow;
Shower you with kisses all along.

Like the dewdrop lingering on a rose petal
I see you snuggling at my side.
My spirit is enthralled by this sleeping angel.
Do not disturb her in her siesta
Lest, my dreams vanish in the void….

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